Real Estate HDR photography now become popular for realtors and photographers to showcase the details and highlight the property. Then editing this type of image plays an important role in the success of this performance. Then there is much software that supports us in editing these brackets of HDR exposures to make them better. Today Qblends will share with you some more information about Aurora HDR. And why it is an excellent choice as an editing program.

Problem with the noise on Real Estate HDR photography

Real Estate HDR photography
Real Estate HDR photography

While HDR bracket of exposures, the dark area of underexposure image can increase the noise for the final photo. That the reason why background noise can totally ruin a photo. Professional usually have to face with the noise in darker areas of a photo. Moreover, with only some small dots on those shaded areas can make the photo look grainy. Especially with darker rooms, which taking the photos in the low-light situation, you may get trouble with the noise.
That’s why we take overexposure to reduce the noise. And one more solution you may need is change the camera setting for an ISO setting of 100 (which would reduce noise).

Luckily, using Aurora HDR can support to cancel out background noise. The feature smart structure filter can add detail and improve the quality of the photo without adding extra noise easily.

The Issue of Perspective Distortion

Real Estate HDR photography from Qblends
Real Estate HDR photography from Qblends

Perspective distortion is one of the problem that HDR have even you use the highest quality lenses. It may cause rounding and softening at the corners of a photo.

In the meantime, realtors and homeowners want to see the straight line of the photos. This distortion may not make the photo look completely straight. It may even have a fisheye effect and look rounded. Lens distortion will ruin the final image.

Aurora HDR for real estate photography is useful tool to get over this. Lens correction and transform features that can help. The lens correction tool automatically detects your camera lens. It will then analyze the photo and correct any distortion found.

The transform tool, on the other hand, allows you to manually rotate and adjust the crop of the photo. This allows you to effectively combat lens distortion and any skewed perspectives.

Issue: Chromatic aberration

Real estate HDR photo
Real estate HDR photo

Last but not least, you may find another annoyance is chromatic aberration. This is a type of distortion that can happen when a lens fails to focus all the displayed colors in one point.

It involves dispersion and the refractive index. Chromatic aberration can cause unsightly rainbow colored lines around the edges of objects.

Luckily, Aurora HDR can automatically remove chromatic aberration using the Quantum HDR engine. This means that your property photos will not have any unsightly colored edges.

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