As The Wall Street Journal, ” House listings that have better photos tend to gain as much as $116,000 More than the initial asking price. If you are a newbie photographer, this article is for you.

Here’s a breakdown of what you should do, and avoid doing, en route to a perfect property photo gallery.
Real Estate Photography Dos

1. Concentrate on architectural details:
Unique architectural details like archways can be difficult to photograph, but can really help your property stick out. Try to capture them.
2. Take night-time photos:
Night shots of house exteriors can be really eye-catching. Properly placed lighting lights create contrast that draws potential prospects. If shot correctly, they might be the missing piece in your photo gallery.
3. Use a wide-angle lens:
A wide-angle lens allows you to capture more space in a single photo, giving your photos a better sense of depth and detail.
4. Use a tripod:
Tripods enable you to get sharper photos without the need for professional equipment like a flash or years’ worth of practice.
5. Take a photography course:
Taking good photos often requires a lot more than a good eye and a steady hand. Consider taking a photography course to learn the nitty-gritty of lighting, flashes and preparing a set.
6. Prepare your rooms:
Make your bed, clear out the dishes, clean the carpet and dust the curtains. Ruining a good shot is easier than you expect.
7. Include hallways in your shots:
Hallways spanning away from the room create a feeling of roominess and make the shot more inviting.
8. Remove unnecessary items:
Don’t include more details that need to be included. For example, remove dust bins from exterior shots.
9. Turn the lights on:
Having the lights on creates a feeling of better illumination, even if the room is already well-lit. Turn them on before your photoshoot.
10. Buy a full-frame camera:
The most important thing to consider when buying a camera is sensor size, not the number of megapixels. A larger sensor means better light sensitivity and a wider field of view.
11. Use current technology:
When taking photos, use the best tech that you can lay your hands on. Drones, DSLR and the like can be cheap if you know where to look.
12. Invest in a Quality Camera:
Quality cameras come in the form of DSLR cameras like Canon or Nikon or even the latest iPhone. Both are fairly inexpensive, but DSLR yields better photos with a steeper learning curve.
13. Have a Hand at HDR:
HDR entails taking three photos of a scene at different shutter speeds and merge them to bring out different details.
14. Perform Some Simple Editing:
Simple editing is a crucial part of the photography process. Fix the lighting and remove unnecessary objects using Lightroom and Photoshop.
15. Hire a Specialist:
If you’d rather not go through the trouble of doing all the work yourself, hire a professional real estate photographer. He likely knows all the important details he shouldn’t miss.